this page is simple. It's me rambling about whatever I want to ramble about.  


No one should EVER be at the mercy of someones beck and call, or convenience. some people may appear to be whom they say but, when u ...dig a little deeper one just may find out that u are at the bottom of the totem when it comes to well... a lot of things lol. Never let someone or something bring u down to where u feel as if u are unworthy of your dreams and all that u aspire to achieve in this life. Never waver in your fight to be heard. Take action when u know that u have to. stay strong and unmoving. Never be afraid to go after what u want in life. Remember that if u do not obtain what u want that it is not the end of the world. Keep chasing if u feel u must. just NEVER lose yourself in the chase. If something in this life is meant to be, it will be. Don't let others decide your path for u. It is your right as a person to love as u wish. Just don't allow others to take advantage of your kindness and love for their own gain or amusement. If u let someone into your heart and they only seem to care how they feel and never want to hear how u feel and there is no foreseeable compromise, don't be afraid to address it and take action. No one should ever have to stay silent when it comes to matters of one's own heart. Stay true to all u believe and hold close to u. If u do no one and nothing will fully be able to beat u.there are those out there that may seem to care or almost act as if they care. But, sometimes the reality is, they simply don't. Or not as much as u do. Never try to make someone love u if they can't, or don't want to. Push on and find what you are really meant to have.Don't be fooled by kind words from people when their actions tell u a different story. Stand your ground when u must and NEVER lose yourself to anyone's view of whom u outta be. If u are not good enough as u are to a person do not go out of your way to change yourself unless u know it is for the best. No person can dictate your life if u don't allow them to. If u are not liked, or loved for whom u are as a person by another than they obviously aren't worthy of your time. When a person falls in love with another they love them for who they are. They will accept the good with the bad and stand true side by side no matter what, because true love means each person will be there. Nothing is supposed to get in the way of the kinda love when u both know it was and is meant to be, NOTHING! Remember, in the unfortunate event that something traumatic occurs, if the love is pure and truly unbreakable u both will overcome the heartache and pain together. If that is not the case and it causes a rift in what u thought was love, and it pushes u both apart then to me it was obviously not supposed to be. If that is the case and one knows it to be, don't lead the other on to believe otherwise. It's simply uncool to keep someone around just because it is going to help u to feel better. If that is the case be honest no matter how much it may hurt and let the person go. No one ever deserves to be played or fooled if they are or have been giving u their all. If the love does not prevail it should never be because of wealth, health, or the company of another. If that happens it wasn't true love and you both are better off. However and this depends as all this does actually lol to the individual, true love says u can forgive and restart. Always remember that u can never stop getting better in life. When u fall or are pushed to the ground, stand back up and simply brush ya shoulders off. If u are true to yourself u will never fall victim to someone's misery. And if u stay true to yourself no one can ever use u as their reason for why and where they are in their life if they have fallen. Oh and NEVER EVER think that u are unimportant because u have less than another person in this world. push and push until u finally achieve your greatness and when all is said and done, remember all types of pain are good for u. It's how u fight your way through that pain that makes u better than those that wish to use u for their own agenda or wish to see u fail. Because when u beat all that pain, u will find out who is real and who has been fake all along. Never try to change a person to fit you. If that person isn't what u are looking for than simply be honest and just do u! If a person lies and they know u know and don't come clean well.... if u stick around them than u only have yourself to blame. Never lose the WHY u first fell in love with each other. If u do ask yourself if u really loved them in the first place.
When u are down on rock bottom and the one that says they love u turns their back on u with weak excuses and seem to obviously not care, lol then duh!!! They never really did. Don't get fooled. keep in mind through all encounters with love or relationships in general that people make mistakes. If we didn't TRUE LOVE wouldn't make us feel the way it does when it is at it's peak. If u feel this way for someone and the other person doesn't and i mean u truly love them and u know deep inside it will never be or never be again and u can't shake it. and all u can do is think of them throughout your every day and all u do. just remember u may have been blessed or u may have been cursed. blessed to feel such passion. To feel such raw unfathomable emotion some may never feel or understand. yet cursed cause u will never be loved by the other the way u do for them. That curse may be the most agonizing experience u have ever felt. um there is no answer for u lol. U can believe that the pain from this unfortunate curse will assist u in the future when it comes to matters of the heart. But being more realistic from what i have lived through and witnessed second hand It almost ALWAYS ends in heartbreak. Best advice i have to this is stay rational and optimistic and always remember smile..... "If u fake it long enough the smile becomes real."

in the midst of all life has to throw at us we find out who we are as a person.

we question our path when we know we are the only one that can change it.

we grow to learn, love and hate as naturally as we breath.

finally when we find our self in the best or worse spot of life, we overcome the only way we know how.

diligence is a beautiful trait to have. to be diligent and to persevere is to say, "I can, will and must."

that is when life happens. falling is just as much a part of life as succeeding. it is when we fall that we know our limitations.

it is when we know our limitations that we can develop the plan to over come. it is when we over come all diversity that we finally find the, "IT" we have searched for our whole life. to find that "IT" is to find total and complete happiness.

I keep in mind that we, as an individual are not perfect. but as a whole we are what others call perfection.

i lean on many not because i am weak in mind, body, soul and heart. i lean because i strive for that perfection.

that perfection isn't what some may think. to be perfect isn't what the dictionary would have one to believe. to me, to be perfect is to understand yourself. know yourself. love, trust and have the utmost faith in yourself. that's perfect. our flaws help us to remind our self that perfection is in the eye of the one that beholds us. and the only one that should matter, the only beholder's opinion we should care about is our own. if we look at ourselves and hate what we see so will others. do i make sense? or am i just rambling once again? 

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